@pindac - I read again your comments on tube rolling while also evaluating cable differences. During the decade that I compared many cables, I did much more experimenting with tube rolling. It was 15-20 years ago that some A'gon members, most notably Albert Porter and Bart Posner, shared with me much of their in-depth knowledge on the many tubes they had tried. I bought the same line and phono stages as Albert owned, and I had the same observations.
The first thing I do when I get a tube product is to remove the stock tubes. They are there because of availability in mass quantity. But the true potential of these units is only experienced through patience. One learns/discovers a few brands of each tube type that bring on a new level of articulation, frequency extreme coverage, openness. There are some with wild tonal coherence issues, flat presentation, etc. But on occasion, a discovery can lead to an improvement that many would classify as a "component upgrade". This experience can occur 2, 3 or more times with one component. And if the component has a tube power supply, especially a tube rectifier, a change here can be as dramatic as a signal tube.
Some tube component designers suggest that their designs do not require tube rolling, or they go as far to say it is not recommended. But Michael Elliot, the Counterpoint designer. encouraged his customers to experiment with signal and power supply tubes. He was so right about the benefits here. It's this devotion to experimentation with tubes and cables, that can take a fairly good sounding system to be near, or at, or even beyond the performance of systems costing significantly more.
@pindac - If interested, send me a private note here and I can share some of my favorite tubes in the 6922/6DJ8, 12AX7/5751, 12AU7/12BH7, EL34, classes. I have no experience with 6SN7 based preamps but maybe one day I can try such.