
I’ve never heard a Naim amp but would like to. The 500DR amp is only 140 watts a channel and costs 35k!! Also it only weighs 50lbs? What the hell could be in this thing that would make it worth a quarter of that? Also they pride themselves on using what sounds good not what’s necessarily expensive. No fancy casework no bling. So I don’t think there is anything special in there component wise, I could be wrong. This thing costs 700 bucks a lb?? Don’t hear much about naim separates on here what ye all say??

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What’s in the rest of your system ? i have three NAIM components, 2X Unitiserve both w affordable and excellent Pardo LPS. Back in the day you would be hard pressed to buy a better sounding server, it has since been displaced ..but not for less money. I also have the Uniti Atom which includes preamp /streamer / 40 wpc LiL mulekicker of a power amp. A great all in one sans phono preamp. Atom is about $3,500. I have heard the higher end seperates and frankly don’t see value unless you are a NAIM fanatic including the old skool speakers. My liquid cooled made in USA monoblocks are a mere $208 per pound…..


Damned double posts…

I listened to one a few months ago powering some 27 k$ focals.
It sounded good,

A week later I head some 3-4 k$ speakers powered by a SOTA class-D ~2k$ amp and it sounded about the same.

I suppose it is, “A rose by any other Naim”.

They are pretty popular in the UK I believe. And I am not really a Linn fan or UK sound fan.

In the past I have tried Naim Unitiqute, Naim Uniti Atom, and two years ago I bought a Naim Supernait 3 (all were bought used). The whole PRAT thing never did a thing for me. In all cases, the amps did not last more than a few months in my system. At least in my system, the sound lacked 'body'. Midrange was kinda thin sounding compared to other amps I have owned. 

At these high prices you are just paying for audio jewelry! I'd rather have four Levinson ML2 monoblocs bridged for 100wpc Class A at the old list price of $2K a monobloc! Weight of four - a mere 400+ lbs!