Audio Research Refernce 75se


i just heard Ref75 she that I would like to buy.

It has some quite buzz noise when u stand really close to the amp, and if u put the ear close to it you can hear it.

the seller said it is normal.. any experience with it?


Good news i would be taking it to a mechanic to check it out.


imlooking towards the ARC ls27 atm . what do u think for this combo? @ghasley 

@mike30 the LS27 is a fine preamp. The se versions are exceptional as well. The ref series, end game. If you have to make a financial compromise, buy the best preamp you can afford. It will make every amp better…but the inverse isnt always true. Hanging an amazing amp off of an average preamp doesnt necessarily yield the superior results…


good luck. The 75se can be end game, it is already a classic and it is a really nice amp across a broad spectrum of speakers.


well if the deal won’t be happenning.

im probably getting the Ayre VX-5 Twenty with Preamp KX-5 Twenty.


 BTW I didn't went any where over Head with the set I heard today .. Ididnt felt any wow

speakers were Sonus Faber Amati