Where did you go after Harbeth?

Hi everyone,

The question above says it all. Where did you go after Harbeth? I'd like to know what you were looking to improve in the sound you had with Harbeth and which speaker allow you to do so.

Hornsystem, I live in Md and would be interested in hearing your setup. What you described is somewhat similar to my speakers which use a Jensen 15" crossed over at 1200Hz to an Altec/Western Electric horn with Altec 802-8G driver. More details on my system page. It seems I am always swapping between these and my Spendors. Each has its strengths and my preference mostly depends on the music I am listening to at the time. I can be reached by email through Audio Asylum since I gather Audiogon no longer allows member to member contacts.
Rgs92, I may just try those Lahave Mela's as soon as I can sell my Vapor Audio Cirrus speakers. These will be a hard sell though.
Replaced SHL5's with Clearwave Symphonia 72R's. I greatly enjoyed my Harbeth's, but the 72R's resolve better, as others have experienced, and the midrange was recessed in the 5's comparably.