@ charles1dad and anyone else interested in reports of improvements to the sound from their Pro-Ject RS2 T CD Boxes by powering them with a linear power supply instead of the included switching wall wart:
Here’s how I describe my experience so far - I just received my Linear Tube Audio Model LPS + power unit, customized to supply 20 volts D.C. rated at 3 amperes to my CD Box.
First of all, Linear Tube Audio was excellent at fulfilling my order in a very prompt and timely manner - to me they represent the kind of honest business that we can all be proud of - they "delivered the goods." On their website they say that they break in their power supplies before they ship them so that their users can enjoy their full benefits right out of the box.
In the 24 hours since I received it yesterday and connected it to my little CD transport, I can say that I immediately had the sensation of hearing a more solid "underpinning" to the sound - that the CD Box is now resting upon a far more solid "foundation" than the one offered by its little wall wart (which is still adequate).
The QUALITY of electric power appears to make a big difference to how well the Pro-Ject RS2 T transport performs and sounds - my way of describing the improvement in sound I’ve experienced so far is analogous to the difference between a misty spray of water, full of air bubbles, coming from a faucet versus a steady, clear flow of water, both supplied at the same pressure (20 volts). It’s like the transport NEEDS and TAKES FULL ADVANTAGE of the additional energy a good linear power supply is able to provide it.
This is my way of describing the difference my new power supply is making - the music I’m hearing is coming from a SOLID FOUNDATION rather than from one made from squishy Styrofoam! A GOOD, well-designed linear power supply with ample power reserves is precisely what these CD Box transports appear to need to perform at their full capacity.
I’m sure, broken-in as my new power unit is already claimed to be, it and my transport will continue to evolve sonically upward over time. I’m very happy with my fresh-out-of-the-box results so far.