Anyone pairing Cornwall IVs with solid state amplification to good results?

Because I have an obsessive need to try out all sorts of gear, I paired my Cornwall IVs with a nice Marantz PM KI Ruby integrated.  What surprised me was I actually liked a Class D design at a "reasonable price" and the resulting sound is more than livable.  It's a great pairing. 

There's little chance I sell off my tube museum of gear and valves, but this experiment was a pleasant surprise.  I have now tried them with push pull EL 34, KT88/KT120, KT150, 300 B, and Class A solid state, and Class D solid state. 

Any of you out there in hifi land using a solid state amplifier with Cornwall IVs or a horn loaded speaker to great effect?   I am appreciative to hear your experience. 


The Parasound JC1+s sound killer on horns. Actually, they sound killer on just about anything. The sound is airy and effortless. Sweet might be another way to describe it. They sound like very powerful tube amps but with great bass. Although the price is up to $18K they still qualify as the best value in a high performance, high power amplifier. 

I bet Atma-sphere amps would do well on horns. I have not heard them drive horns but Ralph Karsten uses horn loudspeakers. They are not SS but a very different kind of tube amp without output transformers. 

Thanks @mijostyn . I have never heard the JC1 and really want to. Thank you!

Atmas-phere is on my list to try with these someday too,


PS. I have always admired your media room and your woodworking skills. :)

A big plus one on JBH's comment. A bit of your talent and equipment would've come in handy in my audio journey!

Best regards,


I can confidentially bet that the PA5 can go 15 rounds with any high-end amp! 

and what has led you to be so confident?  If you can make that comment then you MUST have tested it a/b against other amps. When I heard that thing it was as sterile and lifeless as can be. 

@blkwrxwgn , AGREED.  

Maybe I'm in the mid-January doldrums up here in gray Chicago, but I'm growing tired of the drop in posts that are all over the place.