Your top ten CD transport???

Recently i replaced my CEC TL1 who is almost die by a DIRONDO cd transport to soon to give you any comment about that because my JADIS JS1 dac is on a trip to France to be updated for the MK3 status!
BURMESTER 979, MBL,and the one that impress me the most was the METRONOME KALISTA top load dreaming unit.
Which way those transports could have a sonic signature because it is only data going in a serial bit of 0 and 1 ?
Also in your top ten list: top load or drawer?
So lets show your top ten!!!!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xroccl007
Interesting thread indeed. I'd venture a guess that most importers and/or retailers like the gear they represent.

It would be unusual if it were not the case.

Just a hunch of course.
Tabl10s - Some transports are capable of I2S output, others are not. It is possible to add I2S to some.

I would highly recommend the Northstar transport if you dont have one yet. The Transport is around $2K new and with $300 in mods, it will astound you. Modding your transport to have I2S would probably cost in the $1000-$1500 range anyway.

Steve N.
Thanks for your response. I have been taking a break over Christmas. Can you describe the improvemnts of the mods in terms of sound? Its pretty sweet right out of the box. But I think a bit laid back. I would like to keep the sweet, non digital sound but with a bit more punch particularly on rock. Also interested what the mods do to sound stage and timber