Upgraded McCormack DNA-1 or Dennis Had Inspire SEP?

It’s make or break time. I need to make a decision about which direction I need to take regarding my next amplifier. I’m coming from a Jolida Fusion 3502P that I’ve spent the last year searching for the best tube combinations.

Do I keep the McCormack DNA-1 I just bought and save up to have it upgraded, or do I sell it and buy a new Insipre amp from Mr. Had? 

I have a pair of Klipsch Cornwalls, Better Cables silver serpent interconnects, high quality copper speaker cables, and I’m feeding them with a Marantz preamp, through which I feed almost all my music via Amazon/Heos.


Thanks in advance.


Already had several chats with Patrick, Patrick.😁

He’s been really helpful. Thing is, I just don’t know what the amp will sound like. I just dropped $1200 on it, and it sounds good, but not "the performer is in the room with me" good (because 25 year old amplifier). I was approaching that with my tube amp.

But, according to Patrick (the one at SMc), what I have now is about "20%" of what it could be...which, if true, is mindblowing. But...we’re talking about another $2k minimum (and I understand the value I’m getting for that money). Something I’d have to save for.

Or...stick with tubes, and for $2k (which I can swing if I sell the DNA-1) pick up one of Dennis Had’s Inspire SEP amps...which keep showing up in my consciousness, triggered by multiple sources.

So tube sound...but damnit...tube rolling again.

Ahhhh...the paralysis of analysis.

But--high quality problems to have.

Maybe I just need new speakers.

Anyone have a pair of La Scala IIs, they want to sell?

I had the DNA rev A modded mono blocks 15 or so years ago with some Joseph Audio’s. I don’t know the mods SMC are doing now. The amps were very very nice. I don’t know how to describe it but they were a little thick or warm in the mids and detail wasn’t as airy as I wanted but the were very musical and I really enjoyed them for around 5 years. I know McCormack mates well with Vandersteen.

Send the pictures of your boards to SMC from what I was told the older version boards will fail. I was considering getting a DNA-1 few months ago because even though I complained about it I still miss those amp. They definitely play with authority 

The guy I bought my Don Sachs amps from bought all Dennis Had gear. I drove to pick up amps in person and listened to his Had gear and thought it sounded very nice. He was an older gentleman and the Don Sachs gear was to heavy for him and had to let it go. 


Thing is, I just don’t know what the amp will sound like. I just dropped $1200 on it, and it sounds good, but not "the performer is in the room with me" good (because 25 year old amplifier). I was approaching that with my tube amp.

It your main priority is to achieve "performer is in the room with me" presentation I’d choose the SEP from the very talented Dennis Had. This recommendation assumes you have factored in your room size and desired/listening levels.

No amplifier does "everything " ideally so you have to know what you really want with clear and realistic acceptance. Given your apparent strong desire for convincing tactile presence, SEP without hesitation. The transistor DNA-1 may do certain other things better but not the reach out and touch flesh and blood tactile experience. My humble opinion.


Tube rolling shouldn't be much of an issue as there  would just be a single output  and driver tube per channel. Simplicity of design and signal path is a strength of SEP/SET amplifiers. 


Just thought I would through this in if you keep the McCormack, it sounded to me very good with 6sn7 preamps. I ran the Rouge 99 magnum and Cary 98. The Rouge helped clean things up and Cary mad things more organic. I ran combination of Ken Rads with RCA’s. Good luck on your search.