Yes, many of the deficiencies connected to system noise floor come fm the mains (i.e., see "dynamics", "detail", etc).
t's not difficult "to construct a battery power supply for a tube component" for the simple reason that you can purchase one. It will supply *adequate* dc to wherever necessary.
Submarines, for example, use these.
Small snag: they are stratospherically expensive, outrageously large & massive, and very dangerous (I mean, where do you safely place such a thing?? On your balcony??)
Of course we're talking about serious PS -- not the dainty designer versions found in some "hi-end" equip.
t's not difficult "to construct a battery power supply for a tube component" for the simple reason that you can purchase one. It will supply *adequate* dc to wherever necessary.
Submarines, for example, use these.
Small snag: they are stratospherically expensive, outrageously large & massive, and very dangerous (I mean, where do you safely place such a thing?? On your balcony??)
Of course we're talking about serious PS -- not the dainty designer versions found in some "hi-end" equip.