What direction should I go

My system is as follows:

Magico S5 MKII
Pass Labs x250

Plinius CD-LAD mkII

Primare D30.2
Moon Audio Moon LP-5.3
VPI Industries Scout

As you can see I have no streaming capabilities. I have been reading a lot here but I am still unsure what to do. I was thinking that I would get a separate DAC and streamer. I would run the Primare digital out into the new DAC ( expecting a big improvement ) as well as connecting the streamer and hard drive so I would need SPDIF and USB connections. If I have ~$13k what direction would you guys go? I also thought about the Esoteric N-05XD to use as a pre as well as the all in one DAC/Streamer and still run the Primare through it. This would allow me to sell my current pre to help a little with the costs. This direction would also allow me to remove one shelf in my rack and save money on not having to buy additional cables.

If I had to be on one side of neutral I would go the more revealing, cooler, side of things. I listen to a wide range of music from Classical to Jazz to Rock to Metal ( and a lot of the subgenres that aren't "hifi" ). I am looking for a deep wide soundstage with no loss in the bottom end and airy highs.

For a time I thought about getting a new CD player that has digital inputs ( mine does not ) and add the streamer and hard drive to it. Based on reading I think perhaps that is not the best approach but I am not opposed to that either.

I have some somewhat local dealers to me that include brands like Aurender, Bricasti, MSB, Esoteric, Chord, Innuos, Mytek, Nagra, Berkely Audio Design. I am open to any recommendations outside of these also it is just I would prefer to demo them. But if it is used I would consider it as I could sell if it didn't fit my system.



It's impossible to make recommendations. Spend time auditioning at dealers. Make a shortlist, auction the components at home in your system. Be prepared for surprises. Listen passively, reading a magazine or something - if your system starts to attract your attention and your gaze lifts from your mag, then you are onto something and you can undertake critical listening sessions. You need several days with each component auditions. Make notes - probably devise a scoring system - you will not remember what you heard previously. The journey will be worth it. Good Luck!

PS. I am a devote single source advocate, red book CD still conveys the emotion better than high rez for my requirements. CDT5, Berkeley RS3, darTZeel, Silent Source, Magico Q5 & dedicated electrical spur with industrial cabling and industrial earthing mat / grouted rods directly outside the listening room (stone floor and 2' think stone walls, semi vaulted ceiling). Wide musical taste. Took me 40+ years to build my system to where I have stopped searching for more.

The Innuos Zen 3 mentioned above at $2,500 is a remarkable  machine. Their app actually works. As Mr. Corus pointed out It streams/rips/stores all in one box. I Have an Innuos Zenith closing in at close to $5000 going to a $1600 Benchmark dac.. That's not a ton of money. Sending CD quality from the Innuos storage, through the Benchmark dac sounds remarkable. Detailed and nuteral. With your new dac, I can only imagine. 


I own both the Innuos Zen3 Mini/LPS and a Zen3. Both are very good for the price.

That being said, I bought a Brinkman Nyquist. Yes, it is over 10K used, but I have to say my first thoughts were- 'Boy this reminds me of vinyl'.

I have also bought the Zen Reclocker. I put in the system with the Mini and definitely noticed an increase in definition.


I would look into a Lumin U1 mini with a Schitt Audio DAC.  Both the Lumin and Schitt can be audtioned at home to see if you like them.

I would select a streamer that is compatible with Roon - as the software interface of the streamer you select might not be very user friendly.  The Lumin app is pretty good but Roon is on a different level.

I've read great reviews of Innuos and Aurrender but I don't think they are Roon ready - see link here.