Bose 10.2's

One of my favorite speakers was the Bose 10.2's I owned many years ago...last heard in 2001.   I'm tempted to buy a pair on ebay just to revisit.   Does anyone have current perspective on the 10.2's?


Bose tried to exploit the reflected sound concept that their model 901s made famous. The model 501 and 301 were somewhat successful. However, the reflecting concept has mostly been discarded over the following years. The Bose products also had a limited frequency range especially on the top end and they were not known for using high quality drivers. The model 901s were always considered their top loudspeaker and a few years ago they dropped them from their lineup.

Items you might consider would be the OHM omni loudspeaker but note they have a full and extended top end (talk to OHM about what you are trying to do). Next I would look at series one 901 (the best version). Replacement drivers are available but they have cloth surrounds, so they hold up pretty well. Make sure it has the right equalizer for series one.

russ69 is being very nice. He is a good guy.

Me I'm gonna be blunt.

Start somewhere else.

I think everyone over 50 has had some experience with Bose. Most have moved on that are here on AG. Not to say the old series I 901s couldn't take a heck of a lot WATTS. Most left the whole idea after hanging a pair and stand mount a pair. Being so proud of the set up. LOL

Then you actually go and listen to someone that knows about stereo imaging and soundstage, not sound effects. Two speakers become 3 and it sounds more like the real thing instead of a trip on LSD. 

There is full frequency (finally) after a sub is added and a speaker with a tweeter is used.

Then after room treatment all that bouncing around Bose stuff everyone thought was so cool, becomes the plague of all audiophilers.. LOL

Room Acoustics? What's that? Live and learn OP, hopefully while you can still hear good enough to appreciate it.. 


I would agree with russ and oldhvy, try something different. You can get much better sound for $400 to $1500 per pair OHM would be great for omnis and Monitor Audio makes speakers in that price range. I'm sure other Audiogoners will have more suggestions. Happy listening.

Bose is better at noise cancellation than audio reproduction.  That’s why football coaches wear Bose headphones.  Speakers.  No.  

i have the 901 series 2 . the original and series 2 had cloth surrounds! and i don't think there is replacements for the 1 and 2 series! i had 3 of my series 2 rebuilt by an old school repair shop in los angeles california!