AKM makes the best DACs

OK, before you flame a reply to my heading please read this section.

It is a terrible idea to judge a DAC based on the chip.  I don't think consumer's should ever do that. I think there is a lot that goes into a good external DAC unit and the converter chip is just one of many factors that go into the final sound.

Having said that, it turns out I tend to like the sound of DACs with AKM chips over most others.  A long time ago I would have said the same about Burr Brown.

For converters which use an all in one chip what is the brand you find yourfself more likely to like the sound of vs. not?


Replaced my Benchmark Dac3 w/the VMV D2 since a bit b4 last Thanksgiving. No regrets, but still haven’t tried the I2S connection. Looking at the Gustard U18 DDC, so maybe soon. It’s a great all round performer that utilizes the AKM 4499, and fed by an Intel Nuc running Roon Roc, the usb connection is really very good already. Given its full 2months run time, it’s a flawless performer on all types of music, running thru a handful of different speakers. ProAc 1sc w/tubes could keep a fella happy for a very long time. Zu DW’s are pretty much phenomenal. Elac DFR52 throw a beautiful soundstage and image. Daedalus DA1 are like listening to a new set of speakers. ADS 880’s just oh so easy listening to a sealed box design with a 10”. Can’t really see anyone being disappointed in this unit. It’s open, spacious, musical, organic and well balanced top to bottom. Don’t know what an output stage without opamps would bring, but for me this seems like premium performance in the sub $2000, chip dac territory with the added benefit, that it’s disaggregated design can incorporate a ddc and a clocking component to push the performance level further if required. Someone here, has gotta try one of these soon. It’s fast, has slam, micro detail, flesh on bone mids and ‘bite’ but is never harsh.

Anybody wanna take a look at its ‘external clock’ settings. I only understand ‘the ‘why of about’ half of the values, several seem odd, but I’m just getting up to speed on the value of disaggregating the dac, ddc, and OXCO’s. Anyways, if there is a better AKM dac, it must really be something…

+1 @erik_squires  on AKM.

But all we see is ESS. The AKM factory is now up and running and lets hope new DACs come with their Velvet DAC chips. But yes, implementation matters.

Isolation, FPGA, great power supply, Faraday cage, custom filters, killer analog output stage from an analog legend like Jim White…then worry about the chip.  “ best “ ? submarined your own thread……..


@milpai - I have been looking for an update on the AKM factory. Your post said, " The AKM factory is now up and running," so you seem to have found an update. Could you post a link? I imagine I’m not the only one interested in that development. Thanks!