AKM makes the best DACs

OK, before you flame a reply to my heading please read this section.

It is a terrible idea to judge a DAC based on the chip.  I don't think consumer's should ever do that. I think there is a lot that goes into a good external DAC unit and the converter chip is just one of many factors that go into the final sound.

Having said that, it turns out I tend to like the sound of DACs with AKM chips over most others.  A long time ago I would have said the same about Burr Brown.

For converters which use an all in one chip what is the brand you find yourfself more likely to like the sound of vs. not?



That's right. I was about to post that link when I saw your message. There is also a discussion on ASR.

I have the Wyred for sound 10th anniversary dac, and it has the ESS sabre 9038 pro chip and this is one of the most analog sounding DACS that I have had in my system, one of the reviewers put it up against his VPI turntable with a $5,000 cartridge and he says this DAC was every bit as analog sounding as his turntable and I agree.

I would recomend listening to somethiFROM, MSB, dCS, or Chord before saying the AKM is the best. I still own an SP1000 with the AKM 4497eq chip but it is bested by my Bartok, MSB discrete or Chord TT2 and Dave. 

Thanks for posting the links. They say they are "preparing to resume the shipment of samples in 2022. ... Details will be announced in January of 2022."

To me, samples means small quantities.

Then, later in the article: "As audioXpress also learned, all the above mentioned AKM chips, including the AK4462, AK4498, AK4499 and AK4336 references are no longer in production. Asahi Kasei Microdevices intends to confirm a new generation of products starting in January 2022."

That sounds like redesign work for audio manufacturers who have been using the previous generation of chips.