The hunt is over

I feel that way. Who else reached the endgame? Feels terrific. 


;-) Right on. Peace, Grace and music…. excuse me while i tweak the high pass capacitors on my 1961 amp…

Best to you



@zavato - that was my point- you faced a decision so you weren’t at your endgame. Going up the line of a manufacturer’s products is part of the journey. Settling on a manufacturer of a component by no means is an endgame. It’s certainly a good milestone though.

@zavato, late one night, just before you’re about to fall asleep, an eerie feeling will envelope you, a little seed of doubt will creep into your mind and you’ll start to feel clammy and sweaty while tossing and turning agitatedly - a terrible foreboding feeling will consume you, and eventually, no matter how hard you try to resist, you will hear yourself whispering those two terrifying words…………….

WHAT IF !!!!!!!!!

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