Michael Aday (Metloaf) has passed away.

Some of the best concerts I’ve ever attended. GREAT showman and talent!

Meatloaf sorry for the title misspell!



Any thoughts why he is not in the rock and roll hall of fame?

Didn’t grease the right palms I guess. Grand Funk Railroad isn’t either even though the were top concert drawers and record sales late 60’s early 70’s

I'll guess he isn't in the rock and roll hall of fame because he simply wasn't a big enough, or influential enough, star.


There is a group of people today who consider politics much more important that respect and human decency.  

Sorry I wasn’t being trying to be political. (But I do have a dark sense of humour and an eye for irony.)


I'll guess he isn't in the rock and roll hall of fame because he simply wasn't a big enough, or influential enough, star.

^Facetious emoticon needed^ 

I was surprised that his album was the highest selling album of all time in Australia.
I would have thought it would have been AC/DC, ABBA or some other group.