...and the pigs snacked on pate' of Woofin' Wolf after they dug all the slugs out of his sorry butt.....'wasted but not wanting for a well-deserved wind-up in the HollyHills..." (3rd porker was hip, addressed on Blue Jay Way....it does exist, BTW...)
'Sports visual' stems from 1:45 from the FBS hisself...
🤪....and Sunday (aka, 'FunDay') is very subject to being subjective....
*S*...not quite 'coastal' here. but a good day for 'coasting'...sun's out, the snow's patches are melting away, spouse is up from Greenville for the weekend....
Listening to an LP! Omgawd.....'The Duke' Ellington & Orch. jazzing up Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite....some alt Xmas sounds for 12/'22.
(Maybe do an 'intervention' on some retail B&M stores....."Quit playin' that usual jive 'fah la la foolery' and move some feet 'n product!")
....elves dressed in colorful camo, daypacked with cable sets 'n T-byte sticks...
As the sci-guy said during the 'sound & light show' in Close Encounters:
"....and we'll take over this conversation....Now...." *and all manner of noise gets thrown down by the alien Dj...*
Made sense to me...gotta preview that 'out of town' act before they tour the big venues....what's edgy on Earth may not move on Mars.....or suk near Saturn, y'know?
..while thinking alien in nation indignation...there's This mis-tery....
(I don't make this sort of thing, just try to make up a mind about it....*L*)
....coming to a body of water near You....."Smurfs' Up....?!" ;)