Interconnects--power cords?

My system (Conrad Johnson and Vandersteen Quatros) --I have been running Audioquest Niagras--Purist power cables for amp and pre, Audio
Quest Comets bi wired to speakers--Audience Au 24 for CD player---recently added Audioquest Sky--find it fits best between pre and power--but something seems a bit too "airy"--an improvement on the Niagras, but while more clear, also lacking in punch and or--seems as if I cannot achieve clarity and force (?) in my sound. Soundstage is a bit too relaxed. I don't know. Suggestions? Have moved power cords around--the Audience seems to work best with the CD player--since this is all incredibly subjective---just looking for feedback that might lead me down a different and better path.
Bluesnbike1954 - do you have...

- a dedicated power line?
- quality outlets? - which ones
- are you using a power conditioner? (Which one)

If you are using a conditioner - have you tried removing it?

Does your power cables have copper connectors/pins

I have recently found Eichman Silver Bullet rca's on my solid silver interconnects improved spatial image and dynamics. However the interconnects are a very simple design with two solid core conductors making it easy to connect the Eichmans.
If I read your post correctly your discontent began after inserting the Sky IC - I am personally not a fan of silver, have used silver that was too bright, lean, and another instant where it was too dull and lifeless.

Not a fan...have never heard the AQ Sky but have read good things. Some Aphiles swear by silver.
Audioquest Sky--find it fits best between pre and power--but something seems a bit too "airy"
This was EXACTLY my experience with AQ Sky too ... had 2 XLR pairs in my system. The sound was unnatural and everything sounded similar.

You are mixing and matching with many different brands of cables so sometimes it's difficult finding the RIGHT combination.