''Óriginal parts'', ''identity '' and ''retip'' conundrum

The ''identity enigma'' is easy to explain with ''ownership''. Not everyone is familiar with logic or philosophy but everyone owns something or other.

Ownership assume ''one to one relation'' between an person (legal

bodies included) and one object of ownership. Think of question how

you can prove to own some object. You can also think about question

how to prove to be owner of, say an part of your stolen car.

What the ''force'' of the expression ''original'' is , is an enigma.

However Americans are typical example of   people who are very

fond of ''original parts'' and willing to pay huge amount of money

for the ''precious'' (grin). By the so called ''retips'' the assumption

is also ''original'' versus ''not original parts''. This means that 

every manufacturer as well ''retiper'' uses his own styli and or

cantilevers. The fact however is that they all buy those ''parts''

by either by Namiki or Ogura. So, logicaly speaking, the origin

of those ''parts'' are either Namiki or Ogura. Is gluing an cantilever/

stylus combo in the ''joint pipe'' rocket science?


pindac, I mentioned barter as basics in the sense that countries exchange

commodities and services among each other and not money. Money

is the measure of value but not a value on its own. That is why Serbian

income is 500 euro pro months and Dutch minimal income 1200 euro.

One should look at clearance to grasp who are debtors and creditors.

BTW can you write in numbers American debts? Can you explain the

curious fact that despite all kinds of taxes all countries are in debts?

Dear Nandric,

Your joke didn't bother me at all. However, I didn't find anything funny in it.

Your comment about Serbs did. I don't know how you could have missed it, but... 

If Serbs are pigheaded and you are a Serb, then you must have a gene for pigheadedness too. 

This is my last post here so I would like to thank you for sharing all your deep thoughts and the knowledge on these forums throughout the years. Obviously, you are an expert for that and any other matter. Thank you for teaching us all including Jonathan. I am sure he can learn a lot from the wealth of knowledge about analog that you have and he doesn't.

I apologize to Jonathan for using his name without permission and everybody else for intruding into this conversation. 

All the best,



The ''oldest paradox'' is about the Greek liear. The Greek who stated:

''all Greek are liears''. 

But you missed my point which is ''still a goat'', That is our believe in

our own ''assertions'' . Those are, say, linguistic . But identification of

objects in extra-linguistic reality is not linguistic. So ''óriginal parts'' are

not what we believe but what we can identify as such. 

This is my ''point'' regarding ''retips'' as something totally different from

''rebuild '' or ''refreshment'' by which no parts which are ''rebuild'' are

mentioned. Assumption that  every manufacturer uses his own ''unique''

styli and cantilevers is based on ''sand'' because all get the styli and

cantilevers from the same Jewel companies Ogura and Namiki. This

means that this assumption is refuted. But as was the case by ''our

Serbian joke'' the other hunter stated '''still a goat''. for the ''flying 

object''.  The people  still ask the question : ''is this cart retiped?''

and if so refuse to buy ''poor thing''. Religions work in the same way.

While I do remember many Serbian jokes I remember only two

German. The first is: ''if theory and practice coincide then both

must be false''. The second is about philosopher: ''there is nothing

more easy than to refute an philosopher. One only need to read

some other''. 

The argument  about philosopher is known in English ''vocabulary''

as ''straw man'' argument. Those are also  usual in Serbia.


A customer is free to make their own assessment as to how they wish to receive a product they are considering purchasing.

Considering can also require a allocation of time to be allowed for.

It can be a short duration, to confirm the intent to purchase, such as hit the Buy it Now tool with no prior inquiry, through to making inquiries to see if the item is worthy of a continued consideration.

I would consider a Cartridge if an interest was present, if it was a vintage item, offered with a proof, a complete overhaul of all critical parts in the assembly have been exchanged for equivalent parts to ensure the longevity of the function is addressed. I would not consider this Cartridge a mimic of the Manufactured Model.

A vintage Cart' with a 'retip' only, that equates to a Styli being replaced, would not be a item of attraction to myself.

A Cart' with a short period of time behind it, from when it was a New Purchase Item,  if offered with a 'retip' only, that equates to a Styli being replaced, would present itself as an Item I would consider, the more learnt from inquires made, about the 'retip' service and the Cart's previous usage, would underpin the idea the Cart' is worth considering, when the returned reports are meeting the expectations I be wanting to have for the Cart'.

In the same way a Seller can choose a Buyer if interest in a item is high, or refuse an offer from a buyer, the Buyer can refuse to continue dealing with a seller or decide to not pursue the purchase of the item any further, all seems quite fair for both parties.