Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!



Thank You for the shipping intel. What finish are your CS 2.7 loudspeakers?

Which Thiel models are left in your collection?


Happy Listening!


Piano white finish for the CS2.7. Only pair I've ever seen in white. 

I have CS 1.6 in black, CS2.3 in cherry, CS 2.4 in maple with SE upgrades, CS 2.4SE in red Birdseye, CS6 in Zebrawood, and CS 7.2 in cherry. 





Thank You for the follow up and collection information. Agreed, Mr. Rob Gillum had/has  a pair of CS 2.7 in Piano White at CSS. I do not know if he still owns this specific pair?  We really should meet sometime as I would like to hear a comparison between the CS 2.4 w/ SE upgrade(s) vs. CS 2.4SE models.

Overall, a very cool Collection of Thiel Loudspeakers.


Happy Listening!


Today marks this thread's 6th Anniversary here on AudiogoN. Since inception, we are acquiring and attracting new contributors and members of The Panel. 
It was another banner year in 2021. Hopefully, we did not lose anyone to the virus? Stay Safe, especially, those of you guys  in the larger cities.
As for this New Year, I would like to attract more Industry types.
I know that you guys are reading this thread. Feel free to drop by and say Hello. Same goes for Dealers/Retailers. Everyone is welcome!
Here is to an excellent 2022!


Happy Listening!


Just stumbled upon an old Stereophile review of the 2.2s.

A quote:


"What I admire most about these speakers is the fact that the product is so professionally done. The cabinetry is impeccable. I get the feeling that these speakers are the result of many months, perhaps years, of careful research, engineering, and listening—not something that was rushed to market half-finished, with revisions to follow. "


It must be nice when reviewers and customers note the effort you folks put in to these products.  I remember when I had the CS6 at my place in amberwood (as I recall) it was just it's finish, design and workmanship.  It adds so much pride of ownership and satisfaction.