Do good power cords have to be stiff?

As far as I am concerned, stiff power cables are a pain in the butt. Wonder if anyone has found a great power cable that is very flexible?


@jjss49 -

                            "zu’s are very nice cords and very flexible"

     It’s amazing to me: they were able to configure two 9 AWG conductors, plus an 8 AWG ground, in a 3/8" diameter PC, that’s even more flexible than the typical, stock IEC cord.

Post removed 

Well if you want stiff, I've got two 6" wide Passion Masters by DCCA that will pass a ton of current for sale. No Viagra needed.😁


I see no issue with the Puritans as the actual amperage most of us would draw is pretty low and I think the one I have is pretty darned good. I am using Verastarrs presently and will experiment some more with the Puritan.


12G or 14G should suffice for most: 15A outlets have 14G single strand copper, whereas 20A outlets have 12G single strand copper providing power to the outlets. That’s your bottleneck: having 10G power cable feeding from a 14G wire shouldn’t do anymore that a 14G power cable.


I added my components to my virtual system, if that's what you mean. . .