French Speakers?

For sale on this site are a pair of JM Focal Cobalt 806S speakers. I'm interested...but French speakers? Sacre bleu! My demise as an audiophile began in 1992 with a subscription to Stereophile. I remember the great review of the Grand Utopia. But, French speakers? Favorable reviews are had online for the 806S's. An aggressive, bright treble is noted. That's my preference in a speaker, however (one person's "bright" and "hot" is another person's "detailed" and "precise"). Of course, it's all about the midrange as far as speakers and sound reproduction are concerned.
My crux question is this: my musical tastes are rock, pop and female vocals. Has anyone listened to these speakers and does he or she believe they would be appropriate pour moi?
I've only heard the Triangle top of the line....very tall, narrow speaker. I couldn't live with them for 2 minutes.
These French speakers have intrigued me;
If you're ever in the area I would go visit Amherst audio and check out Jm Reynaud loudspeakers.I don't own them but have heard the latest Offrandes and I'm hoping they'll be my next upgrade.
These French speakers are not my favorites. To bright for me.Will you use a tube amp or ss to lead them ? I think the sound will be better in the middle range with tube amp.
So Cabasse speaker are very good. They make everything good but unfortunately too expensive. Sacre bleu!