Replicant 100 stylus

My ''general statement'' that styli are produced by either Ogura or Namiki

may need correction.

Some friends of my ''discovered'' that Replicant (Ortofon), Decca and

''Expert stylus'' are the same. As is/was the case with Gyger and

Van den Hul. Van den Hul designed Gyeger I, II and S (?) but

Gyger produced them. This was obviously kept secret for commercial


My assertion is that Expert stylus (Paratrace) provide them to the

other mentioned.

Is anybody capable to check this information?




needlestein, we already have an BIG EGO in our forum with

high level of knowledge and (very) low level of education. Can

you explain to us how Geiger with ''low level of production'' can

deliver styli not only to you but to all of us? This may be called

contradiction in logical sense. The logic is other way round. From

general statements to singular kinds. You obviously overlooked

this ''small difficulty''. Yikes.

I’m not going to argue with you.  But I will point out a few errors.  

First of all, if you are going to search the internet for Fritz Gyger AG, you may try spelling his name correctly.

Secondly, Gyger is small by revenue standards (something like $7 million/yr) and by number of employees (6, I think) but I imagine that their capacity to produce diamonds is rather high.  They have never told me that they were out of stock of anything I have ordered and there is zero lead time.  In fact, I like to order from them for a number of reasons, mostly because I love their product, but also because they ship quicker than anyone else in the industry.  My orders from Japan takes three or four months lead time now.  Gyger gets me product within one week.  Every time.  AMAZING!!!

Thirdly, it seems you enjoy arguing and raising provocative but nonsensical questions loaded with assumptions that are just ludicrous and paranoid.  No one is “hiding” anything about these diamonds any more than is usual in this industry where half the cartridges are made by Audio Technica even though they are sold as Goldring, MoFi, ClearAudio, Roksan, Stanton, Sony, Rega etc.  I think you get the picture.  If I can find out what the story is with the history of these diamonds by searching the internet, so can you, just like if you decided that you wanted to actually find Fritz GYGER and order diamonds, you could.













neeedlestein,   the logical explanation is that ''names have no predicative

function'' . That is to say that names tell nothing about they bearers. 

That is why we need predicates which describe properties and

qualities which apply to the bearers of the names. Now you mentioned

''hiding names'' which would make no sense if they were easy to discover

their real names. Consider tax authorities confronted with hiding names.

of tax payer. Even with all kinds of taxes states would go bankrupt with

added borrowing on capital market . Many have no idea how those loans

will be paid back. But with hiding names of tax payer the  bankruptcy

would take place direct . Gyger or Geiger is similar to Vienna, Wenen,

Bec and Wien . Aka ''many names'' which refer to the same ,uh, object. 

Different languages use different  names for the same object but

the objects them self  are assumed to be bearer of the names. 

I its very interesting that the ''small production by GYGER '' seems

to can produce huge amount of styli available to all of us in addition

to all cartridge manufacturer as well retipers. Not to mention its

judicial limitation to  to Switzerland. For you the task to explain your

difference between small and huge.

Dear @needlestein : Really thank’s for your knowledge and wide explanation. Your posts really enrich the knowledge level of any analog audiophile in that important subject.


Btw, Allaerts states the use of FG-S stylus tip. I owned the MC2 and Formula One and he states that the " rounded radius " is different for both models: 5 micron and 4 micron, respectively. Both are the top of the Allaerts line and in a two steps down the MC1 has 2.5 micron. Allaerts states that the rounded radius 2.5 micron has a tracing capacity of " 300um " against " 400um " for the 5 micron that in both cases looks excesive but depends how Allaerts measured the tracing capacities for his cartridges.

In the other side in the past Allaerts stated 10K play hours for the top models that seems to me more a marketing tool that a reality. For whatever reason we can’t read it that spec any more in his site. Do you have an opinion on that playing way high 10K hours?




Hi Raul,

All I can say about Mr. Allaerts’ claims is that he must use the same diamonds from the few diamond manufacturers that everyone else uses. Without any explanation as to why his diamonds last 20x longer than anyone else’s diamonds there is not the barest evidence to support a claim of 10,000 hours. I have removed worn diamonds from Allaerts cartridges and they appear to be the same diamonds others use and they seem to wear at the same rate based entirely on customer estimates of usage hours. It’s kind of disappointing as I would love to be able to ask Gyger, Namiki or Ogura to produce for me a diamond that lasts 20x longer than anyone else’s. I would pay at least 4x for a diamond that durable. My college physics professor says this is not possible though so who should I believe?

I can tell you that if Mr Allaerts was capable of preparing a diamond to last that long compared to all other diamonds, he wouldn’t be in the cartridge business. He would be working in aerospace selling diamond ball bearings that never wear down.

The stylus manufacturers don’t make any such claims and there certainly isn’t anywhere in their sales materials where longer or shorter lasting diamonds are offered. As far as I know, Mr Allaerts sources diamonds from the very same manufacturers I do. Perhaps they have special diamonds that they make just for him. It’s possible, I suppose. There are many exclusive arrangements. Where does Audio-Technica get that beautiful gold-plated extremely fine tapered boron cantilever that no one else has? I assume Namiki because the MicroLine version of the Micro Ridge is found on it. But I cannot get these cantilevers from Namiki and they do not appear as an option.