@Initm I have a Sota Nova VI (very similar to Sapphire), but mine has vacuum, mag-lev bearing and Eclipse speed controller & tachometer.
When I was planning I looked hard at OL arms, but landed on Audiomods V (now a VI is available w/new better anti-skate and composite armtube). The OL and Audiomods are similar in that they're both tweaked out designs based on the classic Rega arms. IMHO, the Audiomods with silver wiring tip-to-tip and built in VTA micrometer offered more value than the OLs. The are a one man show, but Jeff is very responsive with any questions/tips, etc. and I've been impressed with it. Until I can afford something at a completely different cost level(e.g. Kuzma 4point9 or Schroeder) I feel like it's a good match and serves my Sota well. Cheers,