What a huge waste of time this whole thread is. I know I know the OP likes to think that he save someone’s life. I especially like the story about Bob Carver started selling his amplifiers on eBay. Shake my head that is so funny eBay wasn’t even a twinkle in someone’s eye when Bob started in this business. The sad part is somebody’s gonna lose some sales over this and it’s going to be a dealer and good old Bob.
this thread speaks to the bigger picture of what’s wrong with things today. People can say things and actually mean well but the problem is, they aren’t responsible for anything to do with the product. They have 1/10 of the knowledge that Bob has about these amplifiers but they can do hundreds of times more damage than they do actually helping the situation.
this reminds me of that Danny guy from GR research Who takes apart other people‘s products and beats the daylights out of them to his thousands of fans. There’s just something wrong about the whole thing. Guys are out there trying to do the best they can and then somebody they don’t know , can come out of nowhere and take shots at them. Man that bums me out. Why would anybody ever wanna try and open up a manufacturing business?