Replacement DAC with USB in, XLR outs

I’m replacing a Bel Canto 2.5 DAC.
Suggestions for a new standalone DAC, with USB input and XLR outputs.
I’d like to stay under $1,500.
While headphone out is not necessary, I’m indifferent if it has the functionality.
My initial deep dive got muddy / appreciate any help getting off the ground before trialling.


Current setup:
JRiver / Laptop
Bel Canto DAC 2.5
NuForce Ref. 9 v2 s.s. monoblocks
Paradigm Studio 100 v5
Anthony Gallo TR-1





i was going to say ayre codex too (one of my faves in the under a grand price range) but op must have a remote control

agree with rme adi but it doesn't image as well as the codex but it has many other features and remote control too, although i also did particularly not like how the volume control inhibited the unit some, sonically

maybe one of the audio gd dacs at wally's...

I would recommend the PS Audio Directstream DAC.  They are available used for under $3000.00 and they meet all your requirements.