Recommendation on soft dome bookshelfs under $1K

I am looking for a purely music setup with an old receiver to listen to records, tapes and CD's. I'd like bookshelf speakers (or MTM sized speakers) with soft dome tweeters. 6" or 6.5" drivers are preferred as it has to handle bass without a sub. I'd prefer to buy used mid-to-high end, with a budget of $1000 for the pair. Recommendations?
@Johnnyb53, I'd have no problem driving any current speakers with my Sansui G8000 circa 1980. There are plenty of vintage receivers from the heyday that would easily handle anything the modern speaker market has to offer. Big power supplies were the norm for these powerhouses, something that is lacking in receivers of a more modern flavor.

Valnar, it would help a bit if you could let us know what receiver you're intending to use with these speakers so that a proper match of power and sensitivity can be made. Also, what kind of music and how loud do you like to listen?
Does it even matter if he's listening to tapes? I agree with above post. Spread your 1k out on more than just speakers.
Used mid to high end speakers at 1K a pair should not be a problem. Take a look at the Dynaudio X16 or Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grands. Both have soft dome tweeters and 6.5' drivers and could be found used at or around 1K. Very musical. They are 4 Ohm speakers though with sensivity in the mid to high 80's so your older receiver could be a problem unless it is a high powered model.

It may help the forum if we knew what model receiver you have as many of the speakers using the drivers that you want are of lower impedence and sensitivity. Hope this helps.
There is a reason the price continues to increase on vintage solid state equipment, many people like the sound. However, there is a trick to matching these amplifiers and receivers to current day speakers. Therefore, it would be nice to know exactly which receiver is being used in order to give a recommendation.