Do hi-end DACs offer true value or diminishing return...

These two hi-fedelity recordings posted on Youtube allow one to audition the state-of-the-art, highly raved R2R DACs with values ranging from $850 all the way to $6,500. Please use headphone or, play back to your stereo system if you think your system is revealing enough. The question to ask to yourself is that the true hi-end (w/ high price tag) gears offer you true values or just a diminishing-return foolproof. In my system, I do hear the differences but, to me, the differences might not be that significant to justify the luxious spending. Maybe my system is not revealing enough.  Maybe the recording quality through the on-line broadcasting degrades.  How about you? Do you hear major differences? 

Terminator Plus ($6.5k), Venus II ($3k)

Terminator $4.5k, Ares II ($850)






I only use the CD9se as a DAC. I have of course tried CDs… red book CDs and streaming sound exactly same, streaming better when higher resolution from Qobuz, which is common.

I have owned a number of very good DACs… Sim Audio and Ayre… others. I have auditioned many high end DACs. The Audio Research is among the very best and exhibits tremendous synergy with the rest of my equipment (all ARC).

I use a Aurender W20SE streamer through the DAC and have used the Berkeley Alpha 3 DAC as well (the $22K). The ARC DAC is as good, for me, better. Almost no difference between the two (takes very critical listening to hear any difference. I had to give the nod to the ARC… slightly more musical with a touch more midrange bloom. The Berkeley a tiny itsy, bitsy nearly undetectable extra detail. The musicality of the ARC definitely won. Also, the ARC $5K cheaper.

It was a stern shock when the audio store I returned to asked for $250 before they would allow a listening session comparing most of the DAC brands mentioned already. Turns out I was a petty cash customer since my prior purchase was only 5k. In the end it was worth every dollar spent.

They obliged a blind test of each DAC shuffling my own into the mix at random. Even better was the component and speaker match with Roon as the source. Nearly my exact home setup. I settled in after selecting four tracks that were played on each DAC. Songs chosen had familiar details and is where I focused listening when those details arrived during playback. Each DAC struggled through some parts but excelled at others. All were chip based DAC’s. I kept notes and this went on for nearly four hours.

No surprise. the 12k DAC was the best. Second was my own (2.5k) and that was a surprise. Third, fourth, and fifth were 3, 5, 8k DAC’s and scratched from consideration which was surprising considering all the published review hype I spent months pouring over. I went home to review my notes and ponder what just happened, especially after scoring my own DAC second. It was obvious. My ears were accustomed to its sound after two years of listening, so of course I liked it. Conclusion: My 2.5k DAC is a Streamer/DAC/Pre that sounds like an 8k DAC. Well that doesn’t help my end goal of seperates. Starting over.

R2R DAC’s were not auditioned since the store owner had a bias against them and is where I turned, Unfortunately I had to buy one to audition so more research and I settled on a Holo Spring 3 without the pre amp option. Yep. My best value selection and in the budget. My onset goal was 3k per piece/component and in my opinion I’ve done well achieving desired SQ.

After letting power heat up through resistors for a few days I selected the same tracks used for the shootout. My hearing immediately sensed a familiar past. I was hearing tape again. Immediately transported back to the late 70’s, early 80’s when tape was my preferred medium. I feel so old and rejuvenated at the same time. What is more interesting to me is whenever Roon pops a 44.1k track my head snaps to the display for confirmation. To me it sounds better than upsampling every time.

The ear knows what it likes and if you are able to remind it of whatever you trained it on your whole self will be happiest.

My analog contribution. I have a balanced system.

Another Jerry

I forgot to mention the $250 is a store credit for any purchase. They can F off as I will never spend another cent there or recommend anyone shop there. Won't effect their petty cash but I feel better. Way to treat a customer.