Why People Like Tekton

I saw this You Tube clip yesterday and I really think this guy gave one of the most well-reasoned explanations of why some people gave up their hyper-detailed "audiophile" speakers for Tekton.  I've never heard them myself, but I think the same reasoning applies to many other brands like Harbeth, Spendor, Wharfdale, etc.  I personally feel the way he does, but I think he expressed it better than I would have.  Eventually, at some point in the journey, you may get tired of listening to the singer's saliva and chairs creaking and just want to relax and hear music in a more natural manner.and not with your ear 6" from the singer's mouth.  Or maybe you do.  Anyway - take a watch if you have the time.  And I'm guessing most of you do. 



i would never consider Tekton because of the ugly factor.  We have a beautiful living room and they would goober up the look.  I listened to a pair of Revel Performa speakers.  They really were detailed and lively.  I also like my Harmon Kardon sound system in my car.

The DI are big, ugly, and look intimidating in your living room, but if you can handle that they will send in missiles of pure sonic bliss straight into your ear canals.

I've owned  a pair of upgraded double impacts for 2 years. (pencil gray color) Listen to just R&R, 69 YOA , in a shop area 20'x30  ' tractors, motor cycles etc, no special treatments, Peachtree amp 500, Benchmark LA4 Line amp, Their DAC3B, audio lab 6000 CDT, SVS 4000 sealed sub,   stream Amazon HD. Listen at about 95spl, Def leopard, AC DC, Eagles, Rush , Pink Floyd, etc.

Everything is obviously subjective.  I can only attest to R&R listening, WOW you feel like you are there. I don't know why my acoustics are that good, but they are. Just very impressed. Robert TN Dynamic, accurate!!!


Why wouldn't an audiophile want to hear everything on the record that was created by the artist? You certainly hear them it at a concert. My goal is to get the sounds as close to live music as possible or at least feel like I am in the studio with them? That doesn't mean it isn't musical. Bright I guess means distorted or harsh, which nobody likes.

Did you notice how there is a $5600 tweeter up grade available for the $3150 Double Impact?  The upgrade costs more than the rest of the loudspeaker.  If the stock loudspeaker is so good, why do you need an upgrade that costs 150% more?

What you've got here is a big painted box with a pile of low cost drivers.  Remember at $3150, they have to make money, so they've got about $600 worth of drivers in the whole package.  That's 14 tweeters, 4 mid bass drivers and 4 bass drivers.  I suggest that you go to Parts-Express or Madisound and price out what it would cost to build your own clone.

Big boxes with cheap drivers.  Looks impressive.