Avoiding Scammers - Both As Buyer & Seller

I know that I'm not a scammer. But you don't know that I'm not a scammer. And I don't know whether or not you are a scammer. "Trust me!" are perhaps the most untrustworthy two words in the English language. 

Like many here, I used to regularly sell things on eBay, audio sites, etc. But in recent years it has gotten too easy to get scammed as a seller. You sell a nice item, package it securely and ship it as promised. The buyer receives it and claims you sent them an old shoe. They file a complaint. Despite your positive feedback & documentation you are ruled against with no apparent recourse. And wham - you're out both the item and the money. The selling platform like eBay,etc. and payment processors, like Paypal or credit card companies, almost always side with the buyer.

This unfair situation has led me to curtail most selling, except locally - and for cash. The rare times I sell online I worry until the transaction is completed without issue. 

Is it just the wild west for sellers, i.e keep on as before and hope you don't get scammed? Or are there some solutions you have come across that help bridge the divide? Obviously a sale should be a two-way street, with easy traversing for two honest parties. And protections against scammers should be equally balanced and available for both buyers and sellers.

How have other Agon-ers dealt with this issue?



I take pictures of every part of the item and I also take pictures of me packing it into the box. It also gets weighed (can't claim an old shoe if it weighs 40 pounds.)  Check how long and how many buys/sells they have made, and their rating. Scammers really can't do it more then once on a site with the same MO.  I always give a discount for local pickup and cash. Even then, it's a public place. Finally it's also about what are you selling? A Hegel 390 is going to be difficult to pawn or resell. But, it's always risky. 

Perth Australia, I won't even go to the country or buy behind a single seller. In 5 years the guy has sold 20 pieces. Yet Ebay with it's SELLERS protection and 10 days to get it done or loose, managed NOT to get the guy to refund a single cent on 2500.00+. The AMPS worked a total of 20 minutes between the two and BOTH quit working. I took them both to a tech. BOTH had the buffer board wired incorrect and smoked the amp module.. 

Because of the build time (2 months) at the time. Ebay dropped it like a red hot rock. Totally worthless..

I leave him a FU message once a month and wish him POOR health. 

Few times in 1000s of transactions. 3 times maybe. But this guy took the cake.

@oldhvymec The amps were set up for American voltage and phase? Were they vintage or special in some way?  The correct amp fuse?

I don't sell much and not as a business but I'll only sell on Audiogon .

As I remember, when a person makes an offer his name, address and real email comes up.  I verify as much as I can online, that he lives where he says, I LinkedIn him or do other searches to make myself happy with his bonafides.  If not there yet I will email and state that I would like to talk with him.

The persons I have talked with have been happy to discuss these things, as I am making myself happy with them, there are likewise, and who doesn't want to talk about an item they are buying? 

I am not talking about for a small ticket item. For the one bigger ticket item I sold recently I actually weeded out several scammers.  Definitely seller beware.