The 'idea' of separates makes sense, except when it comes to well made integrated from high quality makers which surround us these many years.
IMO you can give up a lot: convenience of unified features, reduced cost, size/weight/heat/placement issues for an 'idea' that will yield no actual perceptible difference if it is a high quality maker.
Power supplies: everything comes from separate circuit first to my Furman's capacitors, then to unit's capacitors. Everything goes thru the tiny wire in the tiny fuse, so thin hard to see. Meters typically show .01 w all the way up to a few watts most of the time, an occasional needed spurt from ...
I just bought a nice (get ready for the formerly dreaded word) Receiver, a Yamaha CR-1040, what a beauty, beautifully made, not tubes but sounds terrific, what convenience for that system!
Did you ask Prima what difference they think you will actually perceive?