What makes the biggest difference in sound quality?

When making changes or adding things to your system, what makes the bigger difference in sound quality on preamp‘s and power amps? Interconnects, speaker cables, power cords, or fuses?


I don't show my system because if I take a picture of the equipment it will steal the musical soul and render it mute.

When weighing the advice of others, it pays to understand their perspective. This is the best way to place audio advice in context.


My perspective is mostly acoustic , passive naterial treatment and active mechanical tuning of the room with a grid of Helmhotz resonators and diffusers, 50 one tuned,...

You cannot judge that with these old photos which describe my beginnings..

And what you suggested WITHOUT argument  mimic  only asubtle  ad hominem attack using my virtual page...

You never answer to NONE of my argument where you oppose for commercial reason measurements and subjective experience... The two separately MEANS nothing...We must CORRELATE them in a set of acoustic listenings experiments to create a room...

Plugging a costly device in the wall will not do it in the same way.....

By the way what you see cost me 500 bucks and i know for sure that almost no upgrade beat acoustic after all my work in acoustic of small room AT NO COST...

People are not stupid they will see through your gesture and agenda which is to sell not educate ...

My photo are there to be seen but they do not describe my audio room...What bother me is your innuendo instead of argument...

Innuendo are not argument ...

When weighing the advice of others, it pays to understand their perspective. This is the best way to place audio advice in context.


My answer on order of differences....  Wallet, ears, taste in music, which audio site read... dopamine levels.