does anyone have experience with mbl and lector ?

i recently sold my bat vk d5 and earlier this year i sold a musical fidelity a5.

i am considering an mbl 1431 and a lector .6 .

ii am looking for a cd player which can take the deg off poor sounding cds. i prefer tubes and the opportunity to change tubes to alter the sound.
I am a little familiar with the 1431, hearing it in an all MBL system a couple weeks ago. The system's sound was highly detailed and moderately forward so I am not sure it will do what you seek. The Lector on the other hand, may be just the ticket based on reviews I have read.
just curious...

why would you ask about the lector .6 when just today you suggested it to another member seeking advise in such a "matter of fact" way? is your quote

01-01-07: Mrtennis
skip the rega, consider a lector 0.6 . there is one for sale on the 'gon.
from the time i posted my original inquiry until now, i received some information about the cd player. i am still considering the player for purchase. i am still interested in a comparison between the mbl and the lector 0.6. seeking comments regarding such a comparison doesn't preclude recommending the lector to someone else.