Go Full range, Forget all the above recommends, Go Full range.
Davidlouis on ebay offers a 8, however he is still waiting for inventory on his VX8, he has a single pair left and raised his price to $1200, I paid $550 6 months ago.
I suggested to him that his speaker manufacturer may not ever ge the cones back in stock to make the speaker, Its my guess VOXATIV bought up all/every wood cone to use in their speakers and advised the cone maker they would buy all/every cone made, so as to keep Davidlouis OOB.
Vox knows if DavidLouis is seklling the excat same cone for $550, its a no brainer no one will buy Voxativ's $5000 speaker, as both have the same identical cone..
David chuckled last month,,**ahh no Paul, fact is I will have the cones back in Janurary,,** He doubs my theory. WEll here we are 2 days from Feburary, and he still does not have the cones in stock.
His VX6 is good, but the VX8 is better. This is the speaker that will suit best your your daughters music.