am a bit puzzled with all the codes used in Philips pro mechanics.
Which relation exist between them and the sound quality of the final OEM products? In other words for istance, is the CDPRO 2 better than the CDPRO 12 and CDPRO 12.4 ?
Thanks for a sort of ranking when possible.
Also the most famous was the CDM9-PRO (still avaliable?)
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xroccl007
CDM-9 Pro and CD Pro 12 are no longer made. I have never heard of CDPro 12.4.

CD Pro2 is the only "PRO" series transport which is currently beeing made.
I know they all seem to break. Here's something you may be interested in anyway.
Never heard of CDMPro2 breaking. This is one of the most robust mechanisms.

The one that was notorious for breaking is CDM-9Pro.
Of all the parts you mention only the pro 2 is easily available. It's good, one of the best Philips transports modules.
The CDM PRO2 is used in the large jukebox players you see in bars and everywhere else. I also never heard of them breaking. Choice of just about any player with a dedicated cd transport with a toploader which i like vs the drawer, less moving parts.The cdm-1 was an outstanding unit but do not make any longer. This unit is from the highend days of the late 80's and earyly 90's when transports where not made from plastic. This is one reason i looked for the CDM PRO2 for my transport.
