That’s why I want that fancy 4K pro ject transport instead of a new streamer.
I can assure you that you’ll be thrilled with the Pro-Ject RS2 transport. It’s simply fabulous in my audio system . And no it is not analogous to a slide rule for goodness sakes. Why can’t we simply accept the coexistence of Redbook CD playback and digital streaming. Does every audio decision have to devolve into yet another pissing contest?
A good friend is completely committed to streaming. He just recently has purchased the mighty Taiko Extreme music server. I’m ecstatic for him just as he is for me when I acquired my Pro-Ject transport. We both genuinely appreciate each other's respective choices and paths. Finding music listening joy and fulfillment is about as individualistic as anything can be. Simply to each their own. Do we really need yet another turf battle?