SPDIF Digital Cable Recommendations

I am looking for a SPDIF cable to run between a Music server and DAC.  Do you really need a high-end cable in this case?  Currently, I am running a $34  SPDIC cable and the music is actually better than running a higher-end USB cable.  BTW, the DAC is a Lampizator Pacific and the Media Server is from Lucas Audio LDMS.  I definitely like the sound of SPDIF vs USB.


@willgolf - For what it may be worth as I have not heard  the Wywiresw Diamond digital cable directly , but at the Cap Audio Fest in one room it was used between the Pacific and a Taiko Extreme server.


Capital Audiofest 2021 Show Report Back from the brink – with passion! CAF 2021 Show Report By Greg Weaver Of Enjoy the Music.com


The Diamond was also used in another room with the Baltic.

I have no affiliation with Wywires. Just wanted to give you something to maybe look into


On another what’s the best coax cable out there, bigkidz offered some advice that I wrote down, and here is what he recommends:

Audio Envy or Kimber D60, at the entry level
(used) Marigo Labs, Jorma and Cerious Technologies

All the best,

I have an Apogee Wyde Eye SPDIF — it’s an excellent cable that pulls off the difficult balance of being detailed yet still musical.  I much prefer it to my highly-regarded Stereovox (now Black Cat) XV2.  My advice — pick one of these up for 60 bucks and use it as a benchmark for more expensive cables, but in the meantime I’m pretty sure you’ll enjoy improvements over what you have now.  My $0.02 FWIW, and best of luck.


@nonoise I think the D60 was also originally designed by Chris Sommovigo of Black Cat/Stereovox and my XV2 was a later iteration of that design.  Could be wrong though.