Check this out.


Interesting. 24.XX each.


@mahgister , your last post seemed out of place for you? Little harsh and judgmental based on your posting history. Differing routes to enjoying music with no single or best way to go about it. Room treatments and tweaks are great as I am a big fan of them. However, in some rooms they don’t help as much. I, as well as others I know, spent big money on room treatments and such to only pull it all out later realizing the untreated room sounded better. Yes, it happens. I am talking about paying industry professionals to measure and treat the room. Pulled it all out!


Point is it just depends on so many factors. If one is relentless about proper speaker placement, then that goes a long, long way to getting great sound.

I use this fuse.

Took copper caps from a cheaper fuse, took the ones on this off, refilled cylinder with carbon based Heatsink paste (Arctic mx-5), put new endcaps back on with epoxy glue. 

The cheaper fuse I sourced for parts is the Aucharm fuse from aliexpress, goes for about $2. 


Resolution and distortion are miles ahead of the stock Gustard fuse.

To consider the Earth round, well it’s just a little bit two dimensional for me.
Oddly spherical, that’s more my speed.

@oldhvymec - mate, you’re funnier than a hat full of tits and bums.
Funnier than my bird and vagrant jokes, that’s for sure.


If the filament wire separates in the center, doesn’t the copper powder still conduct?

Possibly, but were it to still carry sufficient current, I would expect it to continue to melt and fail over the quartz anyway?! Any electrical engineers in this forum?

@yuviarora - well you sure as hades have my attention.
Seems we have another clever tinkerer among us. +1

Answering three words insulting posts is not being harsh especially if one of my friend is target sorry.. . I am no saint...

And you misunderstood my post about acoustic...

First: i ever and always say that all my room tuning, the passive treatment and the mechanical active control part were always NO COST and made by discarded materials from one dollar store or my basement..With many months of listening experiments...

Second: all room varied in the passive material treatment needed, the balance needed for each specific room between absorption, reflection and diffusion is NEVER the same...There is NO RECIPE here contrary of what is said everywhere... Acoustic method work with specific speakers, specific acoustic content, specific geometry and specific topology of the room and specific different ears history and structure...No ready made recipe work save acoustic hearing experiment... I dont sell panels i give information...I sell creativity...

And the active mechanical control in a dedicated room is ALWAYS necessary... Why?

Because the speakers and the room MUST be bent to one another, the specficity of the room must be bent to the speakers specific demands and your specific ears... the the speakers must be controlled to accomodate the room acoustic settings...I use Helmholtz resonators and diffusers around my speakers.... And remember that it takes me months and months of listening experiments to tune it correctly... Mechanical active control is impossible in a living room.. In a living room onlt a balance esthetical treatment is possible alas! But when done right passive treatment and mechanical control make all upgrade of gear seems useless if you already own a basic good audio system to begin with for sure...

The fact that you spend BIG MONEY about your room and you were not completely satisfied reflected only that acoustic panels sellers sells first and last... not one could tune your room save yourself... It takes time to do it... not one sellers i know use mechanical active control, they mostly sells panels and bass traps... At high costs...Anyway like i repeat everywhere: the only luxury in audio is not the price tag of gear but a dedicated room...

Then your experience dit not result from reading my advice at all...Save for the fact that acoustic matter the most and you interpret it in the wrong way by spending big money in acoustic products which i never recommend to do ever...

Untreated room cannot sound better they sound better ONLY if they are optimally treated and controlled.... They dont sound better generally because people put an inadequate treatment, too much absorption, too much diffusion, too much reflections or not enough of those in the wrong balance...... Simple...No room is perfect geometrically, topologically, and with his various acoustic content, and with his specific speakers... All SMALL room need acoustic...

i am sorry if i put you without knowing it in an expansive course of buying acoustic treatment , it is not what i recommended  AT ALL because i never bought anything which will cost more than peanuts....


@mahgister , your last post seemed out of place for you? Little harsh and judgmental based on your posting history. Differing routes to enjoying music with no single or best way to go about it. Room treatments and tweaks are great as I am a big fan of them. However, in some rooms they don’t help as much. I as well as others I know spent big money on room treatments and such to only pull it all out later realizing the untreated room sounded better. Yes, it happens. I am talking about paying industry professional to measure and treat the room. Pulled it all out!

Master M.

We can only put food in the bowl and ASK the starving man to eat. Most will eat, live and learn. Then there are those that say " I’ve never eaten that before" and push it away. They didn’t live, they didn’t learn and what they passed on, was a good example of what "NOT to be". DEAD! But you know me, live and let live (or die) in this case.

There’s the water, HORSE, drink if you want. I’m not gonna shove it down anyone’s throat.

Time to give the dog a bath.. Messin’ with the skunks again.
