Before all my tuning of the speakers, so good they are well spoken of in all reviews with no negative criticism at all, they not impress me in my nude non controlled room and with no mechanical or electrical noise floor control 5 years ago... After my Tannoy especially, which were on another design quality level...
But with all my work they sound very well better than anything i listen to even magneplanar in a non tretated and non controlled room and even my past Tannoy..
Upgrading seems foolishness to me... They are not the best speaskers at all for sure but the piano is there in my room...It is enough...
Mechanical and electrical control is great improvement, but acoustic is the only key to audio in small room..Not thebranded name of the speaker... I dont trust anyone vouching for a brand in audio... Guess why?
Too many good brand anyway for all many tastes ans needs...
People dream about 100,000 amplifier price tag without even knowing how to create a room for them... Think about that.... 😁😊
If i judge the results with youtube limittations for sure no costly gear is for me not even necessary at all...
Acoustic rule....
But suppose i am right and that all consumers know that truth ?
It will be the downfall of electronic engineering market evolution ... I dont want this fall, electronical design improvement is a good thing and small business need this profit margin to do their research... And most people are unable to do their time consuming acoustic homework anyway.... Most people really think that they listen to their gear not to the room...
But i will tell you a secret, Acoustic alone is the key... Dont repeat it....
mahgister I’m glad you tried loaded mass speaker isolation, I’m guessing you’re glad also??!!