@fleschler Why would I want music to sound like vinyl? I've been listening to music for over 50 years and used to have a huge vinyl collection. Digital has now taken over vinyl by a long chalk and you are welcome to it if you want to get up and change sides every 15 mins, with all the dust, fluff, static and scratches...lol.
Real music doesn't sound like vinyl...end of.
Valve amps are unrealistic.
You have to pay real money for good tranny amps.
I am enamored with the Musetec because it's brought me to a place where as others have said they feel everything is right. A rare place to be.
Don't feel like I have to change anything and I've still got ten grand to spend on cables etc.
I won't even address the other stuff you're banging on about, it's a load of bollux.