I am enjoying my analog system, but what can I do to improve?

I currently have Technics 1200G turntable with Dynavector 17XD cartridge playing through Kitsune LCR 1 MK5 phono pre and Allnic L7000 preamp. My amps are Pass X350.5 and Benchmark AHB2 driving Sound Lab ESL speakers. My system sounds great, but I am wondering how I can take my system to another level. What do you think?


Just to clarify, Allnic preamp did not sound bad, just different to Benchmark. It just didn't justify the big cost differential.

Ag insider logo xs@2x


@clearthink  : so what?"


An advertisement,  promotional, or sales tool it is not to be relied on for meaningful determinations, assessments, or conclusions just like what you see on American TV. Some may use such content as a "bible" or absolute, reliable, authoritative document or source as you have here but it is really just "puffery" or "promenading"

The OP now has a fairly comprehensive list of alternative choices for devices owned from Pre Amp through to TT's.

What is missing is how he has absorbed such suggestions as alternative options, and how a plan is to be put in place to have a experience/demonstration of any of the items that are appealing and thought of to be worthy of further consideration.

The OP does not quite know what he owns until he has had a experience of other systems, it might not take long for the understanding to be realized, that the Grass isn't that much Greener elsewhere, and the owned system is very satisfying.

Alternatively a experience/demonstration could present to the OP a device that is identified as being quite instrumental in being capable of presenting a particular sonic trait that is very satisfying and wished to be aspired to.

Either way this is not going to be a experience that can be had on a forum.

One week ago I was invited to a demonstration of New Available Devices to be demonstrated on a System that I know very well and am always impressed as the outcome.

Additionally I have also carried out A/B comparisons of owned devices vs other devices that are creating the same function as the New Devices to be demonstrated. Prior to the Demonstration I was quite reassured my search was complete for my own system, and the system to be used for the Demonstrations owner was pretty much of the mind-set that their search was over as well for such a device.

That lasted about 30 Seconds into the first replay, the Copper Tranx SUT on demonstration  was specifically brought along as a perfect loading matched device to the MiyaJima Cartridge, and this SUT > Cart' used with the 12' Reed Tonearm and SP10 R, took to a whole New Level than was not heard before, it was an interface made in heaven, and all six attendees were utterly surprised at the uplift over the resident SUT.

An additional SUT was introduced from the same Brand but not of the same loading match being a 1:20 ratio Silver Wire Tranx, and again this totally surpassed the resident SUT.

There were very impressive performances that are also very debateable, as a  performance when comparing a matched Copper Tranx vs un-matched Silver Tranx.   The resident SUT never got a mention in any discussions that followed.

When my HiFi system is to have money spent on it again, the above New to myself Brands Devices will be the first to be used as a Home System Demonstration, especially the ones heard along with the upcoming Models, as these are being declared as the Ultimate Range, and the designer has clearly stated will surpass the Models already being experienced.    



I am enjoying my analog system, but what can I do to improve?


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