Infrasound and the other one, not sure of the correct name?

I’m FASCINATED by infrasound, I believe infrasound are sound frequencies BELOW 20 Hz.? But what are sound frequencies above 20 KHz. called? The frequencies below 20 Hz. can affect you physically. Are made/used by big cats (tigers, lions, I believe gorillas as well) to literally stun their prey, by producing these frequencies. That is SO fascinating to me!! And wondering if there is anything to music frequencies ABOVE 20 KHz being of any value?? Can the human body be affected by them? Sense them? There are tweeters that go close to, and maybe above 100 KHz. Is there anything to: sounds or music frequencies above 20 KHz??? Would LOVE to learn more about this topic!!!


Thank you! Duh. My brain isn’t as sharp as it used to be! Thank you God, my hearing is still good! Went for a hearing test, they were surprised a 52 y.o., could hear up to 14Khz. That’s pretty good! Ultrasonic. That’s it! But the infrasound, below 20 Hz. frequencies, is SO fascinating! Was watching a documentary on big cats, mostly Tigers, and how they use infrasound to stun their prey. VERY cool! Would LOVE for a sound engineer to comment on this! Learn more about it and ultrasound as well!! This topic REALLY fascinates me!

 how they use infrasound to stun their prey

may also apply in case outlined above

Orca/whales ultra sound they mastered water

Elephants Subsonic/ultrasonic they got the pipes

Bats, sonar

Don't get me goin' on snails. :-)

Nature is full of STUFF..


Snails?? Yes, wales and dolphins! Forgot about them! 
 Would still love to hear from a sound engineer about all of this! So fascinating!