How to contact Audiogon?

I recently bid with a max bid way over what the item sold for.  I do not understand why I lost the item but can't find how to contact Audiogon to find out what happened.  Any suggestions?  


The OP has been a member here for 1 day. How do we know he is telling the truth?

In 'faceless bid/transactions, an 'overbid' can trigger a negative impression

...and by a new member with no history, outright suspicion.🤷‍♂️

Sometimes you just have to curb your enthusiasm.  On the plus side, there will always be another item of the same type eventually....

...unless it was expensive, rare, or both.  That just makes the above more likely.

Learn, live, and prosper.... ;) 

I love AG, I think me and the dog are gonna howl at the moon tonight.

I had to teach her.. :-)


Thanks all.  I will find another receiver.  Just hope my next bid works.  Very nice and helpful site.  Stay well.