Question about Bi-Wiring

My speakers, Martin Logan Motion 40's, are bi-wire capable.

But I have not tried to bi-wire them just yet.

I was wondering, if I were to get better jumper cables to replace the default metal plate jumpers that came with the speakers, would that accomplish the same results as actually bi-wiring the speakers


Should I just go straight to actually bi-wiring?



This is very funny. How would someone, anyone, would get advice from a Sherlock Holmes with lamp cord as speaker cables in the profile picture? 😂😂😂🤦‍♂️

Have you A/B’ed you cables against lamp cord? @thyname 
(You should also have noticed that the red and black are on tyhe wring terminals as well.)

The good news is that the new cables are in mail.
Or at least the company emailed to say that all parts of the order from ~5 months ago arrived, and I needed to call inm with new CC #.

The lamp cord did its job for months, and it did not sound bad.


The cables that I have right now are AudioQuest Type 4.

I have been thinking about getting better cables anyway.

In theory one could hook both of your AQ cables up to one speaker as a bi-wire, and lamp cord bi-wire to the other speaker.

Then shift the balance all the way to the AQ side and listen in mono as to whether a difference can be noted between bi wire or single. (Or a loaner side of the Cardas.)

The main reason for the lamp cord would be to ensure that the amp channel is not unloaded.

I suppose that you could also play stereo with the balance knob, and the thing should sound bad if the lamp cord is not working well.


So, you literally mean copper wire terminated to spade or banana plugs with the specs that you mentioned?

I guess it would be a good experiment, I will have to try that.



Or at least the company emailed to say that all parts of the order from ~5 months ago arrived,

supply chain, supply chain, supply chain…………….


Have you A/B’ed you cables against lamp cord? 

Glad you asked. I knew you would ask that question. You folks always ask that question. The answer is YES. I always do A/Bs, and always double blind, with my neighbors as third party. As a matter of fact, I just did an ABX yesterday. I nailed it ten out of ten. I was trying to determine whether I can really distinguish between Luciano Pavarotti and Michael Jackson, or weather brain was playing tricks to me 🙄



Well @thyname Michael Jackson was wearing masks before it became fashionable. So there is something there.

@pesky_wabbit yeah supply chain is probably it.

Luckily I was able to use the lamp cord as the fat 4’ AQ cables that connect to the monoblocks, would not stretch out to a stereo amp that replaced the blown monoblock(s).

The OP could also get some copper bar to replace the jumper on his speakers. Which should be easier to source with the supply chain dramas.

The speakers still sound great with lamp cords, but I did bi-wire them as they seemed a bit skinny. At least the picture is a true depiction of how it sits at the moment. Maybe it sound good because the speakers are good… but the bass end of the spectrum has been a bit thin.