Neil Young calls out Tidal

TIDAL is calling their files of my songs Masters. But TIDAL’s MQA files are not my masters. I make my masters - not TIDAL. I made my masters the way I wanted them to sound. If TIDAL referred to their titles as TIDAL MASTERS, I would have no problem, but they don’t. They call them Masters. I had my music removed from that platform. They are not my masters.”.


They are also 97 % less likely to land in the Hospital or die from COVID.


I would bet good money (Like a lot, really A LOT) that this claim is just as real as the whole, the vaxx stops infections and transmission claim from 6 months ago.

The Truth will come out by July, just you wait.


Johnson and Johnson: One and Done.

Three military doctors say medical billing code data captured by Defense Medical Epidemiology Database shows sharp spikes in miscarriages, myocarditis, cancer diagnoses, Bell’s palsy, female infertility.

According to the data found by the military doctors, there was also a nearly 300% increase in cancer diagnoses, from a 38,700-per-year average in 2016-2020 to 114,645 in 2021.


The doctors analyzing the data queried the numbers for hundreds of codes throughout the five-year time period. The codes that were examined are generally for ailments that have been established as potential adverse effects of the vaccines in medical literature, according to the news outlet.

During 2020, the number of miscarriage codes dipped slightly below the five-year average at 1,477. But the billing codes were not sufficently below the average in any particular category to suggest that a 2020 decrease in doctor’s visits during pandemic lockdowns accounted for the subsequent increase in 2021 diagnoses.

While the database includes ICD codes for both military hospital visits and ambulatory visits, the data Renz presented is from ambulatory diagnosis data.

Johnson mentioned during the panel that data on myocarditis cases appears to have been doctored, as the whistleblowers found that the number of codes for the diagnosis was about 28 times higher in August 2021 than when they checked again this month, where it was only two times higher.

“[T]here appears to be doctoring of the data,” Johnson said. “Now, my staff has already sent — this morning, we sent a record preservation letter to the Department of Defense to try and protect this data.”

According to the data found by the military doctors, there was also a nearly 300% increase in cancer diagnoses, from a 38,700-per-year average to 114,645 in 2021.

For neurological issues diagnosis codes, there was a more than 1,000% increase in 2021 over the five-year average, from 82,000 to 863,000. Renz noted during the panel that neurological issues “would affect our pilots.”

“Our soldiers are being experimented on, injured, and sometimes, possibly, killed,” he added.

Additional data The Blaze received from Renz showed: a 269% increase in myocardial infarction, 291% increase in Bell’s palsy, 156% increase in congenital malformations of military members’ children, 471% increase in female infertility, and 467% increase in pulmonary embolisms.

I listenened to this video of Rentz...

The only question is why THESE 3 MILITARY DOCTORS are not in the media to be interviewed at the end but only on fringe site of the net?

Think about that...

Are they completely making this stuff?

What are the probability that 3 US miliatary doctors lied under oath? Compared to corporation directors under oath ? Gates dont lie? And Bourla is a saint?

Tell me...Please...


No ,Tell me that all is normal... No negative effect... We are protected...

I would love that you could be right...

Tell me Pfizer work 24 hours by 24 by day for us not for money...

Tell me we will vindicate this Pandemy ( or more rightly named epidemy) together... It is what has been said after 2 years of fear here in quebec with the toughest restrictions measures in the world...

For those surprized that this thread has been taken by "jerks" who spoke about the greatest crisis after the world war, it is because some other "jerk" appeal to the censorship of anyone who will interview these 3 Us military doctors especially Rogan...

Awake to the world...


And if you dont doubt science please read about Ash experiment and Milgram experiment and look at yourself in a mirror after reading these 2 experiments...

And think BEFORE saying : i am not like these people in these experiments...

Because a great % of the mass of people are there obeying and conforming to what the Chanel news say to them what is truth...They speak here repeating what is in the news or what paid corporate "scientist" say...

Sorry but the only free voices are the TRUE unpaid free scientists...Guess why?

But there is thousands of free doctors and scientists ... Rogan and other UNOFFICIAL media interviewed them...lIsten and study...

Do you think all people will say the truth if it is at the cost of their job and career?

listen to Michael Yeadon and tell me what he gain in life to speak the truth? Is he a fool ? If yes why Nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier say the same thing ? is he senile like Neil Young is, he is even older ?


Like in audio , all official chanel speak about the dream of the gear upgrades at all cost, NOT ABOUT ACOUSTIC... The single more powerful improvement at NO COST is ACOUSTIC ...

But it takes a dedicated room that is the catch...Anyway like in audio thread in the official medias there is little truth...

But contrary to audio where the truth is not a life or death matters, in this crisis our FREEDOM and HEALTH is at stake...

i always made my own road all my life even in audio ...I will not change...

I apologize to Neil Young lovers...

The artist is talented but this man is a ZERO...An empty shell...A sleepwalker...Ash experiment and Milgram experiment explain it all...And it is pure experimental science...