OP did you keep the old tubes? Usually 24-48 hours after they have been moved or shipped. That is usually the deal. So they get burned in and then they are shipped and placed in service. Usually after 48 hours they are ready for normal service. Shipping and moving is a valve killer..
Take a pencil and tap the tubes with the volume down.. You might be surprised.
R&R the new one with an old one UNTILL you get the new valve. Or XChange the set..
Thanks. So, it's a brand spanking new amp with new tubes aside from my 3 weeks of use (and it sounded great for the first 2 - 2.5 weeks!). I just tried swapping pre-amp tubes with each other and now my L/R balance is WAY better. R now just slightly louder than L, whereas before this swap, L was FAR louder than R. It was a 10db difference at my usual listening level.