Micro zotl 2 upgrade

I would like upgrade my micro zotl with a audio research model.

Which ar model Is Better than my microzotl 2??


I’d agree with @lancelock and think you’d need to at least go to at least a Ref 5SE — more likely the Ref 6SE — and not even sure that’d be an improvement. If you like the sound of the MZ2, going up the scale makes a lot of sense. Point is, there’s a lot of value in the LTA line and may take $$$ to meaningfully surpass their performance with a more “traditional” brand marketed through dealers. FWIW.

You are lucky...

I wanted a microzotl for years but cannot afford it..

But i could improved my system over the roof to the point i did not feel frustrated at all now  with my Samsui AU 7700 very good basic amplifier thanks to ACOUSTIC treatment and control..

Look for acoustic and keep the microzotl..

The key to audiophile experience is not the dac the amplifier or even the speakers alone but their link with the room...

Spare your money...


I have found a ls28 here in Europe for 4600$

But i'm not able to listen to It.