He commented that even the mass market CD players have gotten so good now days that buying the "super buck" players/transports just no longer make sense. A pretty strong statement from somebody who sells multi thousand dollar player/transports
I am not a dealer selling mega-buck systems but my experience matches this comment exactly. Digital is the great commoditizer...there is little differentiation in specifications above modest priced digital gear.
Why not aim to build a good HT setup that is commensurate and timbre matched with your new choice of main speakers (even if it takes years to save up as you add matching gear of the same quality as the mains)?
Mix and match of multiple speaker manufacturers designs into a hodge-podge HT system is, IMHO, a dogs breakfast! (No wonder people complain about HT being so poor sounding compared to stereo...what else could one expect it to be if you go this route)