Streaming Sound Quality - Want the very best sound quality? Network Acoustics ENO...

Like many of you fellow Agoners I am striving to get the best sound quality out of my digital streaming front end. To that end I have invested in various high end switches, re-clockers, ethernet cables, various USB filters/re-clockers, high end servers and delved into fiber optic conversion configurations. All of these measures did improve sound quality at varying levels. I felt my system sounded as good as a decent CD transport on many streaming recordings in Qobuz. However, I still felt there was something missing. I felt my system was still being held back. You can see my system under virtual systems here.

Well, I stumbled across something that has finally enabled my digital system to be all it can be. I cannot fully express the level of sound quality improvement realized with the addition of the Network Acoustics ENO Ag filter and ENO Ag streaming ethernet cable. It has been 10 days now since I added these to my system and I can now confidently say my streaming and system are all they can be sonically.

Here is the set up that has caused me to sell off and move past many other powered filters, reclockers, fiber optic options, and other streaming tweaks and gadgets. Frankly, the ENO additions are miles ahead of these other options sonically in my system and experience. Miles. This is my personal experience and please understand this perspective.

Netgear NighHawk modem/router power by an LPS > Supra cat 8 ethernet cable > English Electric 8Switch > Network Acoustics ENO Ag streaming cable > ENO Ag ethernet filter > Innuos Zenith III > Mojo Audio Evo dac

The English Electric 8Switch is also wonderful. Will a lower cost, standard switch sound as good in this set-up? Not sure as I have not tried. I am so ecstatic with my sound system that I don’t want to touch it!

There is a certain rightness from top to bottom that’s intoxicating. The tone is so beautiful and natural with no hint of electronic glare or digital artificiality. Music flows with far greater ease and has an uncanny, unforced nature to it. The stage is far deeper with the music flowing from a plane that is layered and completely separate of the speakers. This aural sensation, at this level of nuance, is new to my system and experience. The ENO products made this possible.

Instruments are presented with a new realism that is arresting to my senses. There is a wholistic presentation that spreads out all around me and my space. Just a joy to experience. Yes, the speakers seem to float the music into my space without any attention or localization of the speaker box or physical presence.

No part of frequency spectrum is out of place or forced. I am sure this has to do with the absence of noise. My music is equally articulate and resolved at low or loud volumes. Music stays controlled and enticing no matter how complex or bombastic the recording.

The ENO filter is passive, not powered, so there is no need of any power supply or plug. This is a huge plus.

Hope you streaming audiophiles find this helpful.


I'd say add to our streaming knowledge and try, I still think much to be learned.


I hope to have most or all of my questions about streaming answered by end of year. I know someone who is in process of diy build, aka self assembly of nearly state of art server/streamer, based on final spec this will be equivalent to off the shelf server in price range of $10k-$20k. It is based on full size atx motherboard, will run windows or linux os, have enough processing engine to run HQPlayer with highest level DSP, folded into Roon, which means it can be run sans HQPlayer or with no DSP engaged. Industrial spec RAM and SSD. Ports will include optical, at least two ethernet, USB off motherboard, hopefully, USB off PInk Faun or JCAT, and high end lps.


With this server will be able to compare HQPlayer processing at any level vs no processing. With the optical port it can be used with Sonore Opticalrendu or some other optical capable streamer or streamer/dac. With direct ethernet out it can be used with ethernet streamer/usb renderer/Roon endpoint or streamer/dac. With two choices of USB, motherboard vs onboard usb rendering directly into dac can be compared. By the way, I consider the direct off motherboard usb the greatest flaw with the vast majority of off the shelf servers, this will directly compare that to optimized USB, these boards are $1200-$2500 each and are reportedly worth all the money, here's link to discussion,


I've been doing self builds of general service computers for years, music server are simply general service computers optimized as music players only. The vast majority use off the shelf motherboards,processors, ssd, RAM, etc., some have custom built lps and some upgraded ports. The only bespoke servers that exist are something like Taiko Extreme and Wadax Reference, may be others I'm unaware of. These are truly one of a kind, fully engineered from scratch servers and likely worth every penny for those that can afford. Mike Levine here, I believe has posted on both. I only wish this build could be on that level. The vast majority of sub $10k servers I've looked at don't have the necessary processing engine  to run HQPlayer at highest processing levels, don't use industrial grade RAM or SSD, have less than optimal port availability and/or those ports not fully optimized, and not all that impressive lps. Going the self build route allows one to build a much better server at a reasonable price, not saying the off the shelf servers not worth the money, only comparing business models here. Self build uses free R&D, free labor, no marketing costs, no profit margin. For many opportunity cost estimates or lack of computer building experience may make self build prohibitive. This is not meant to dis on off the shelf, these servers provide value to those purchasing them.


Anyway, we will listen and compare various configurations of this server, hopefully it will be finished by early spring. I will then build my own server based on my particular needs. Listening tests will hopefully help me determine the exact components I will use in my build. This endeavor will test my theories that separate server, streamer and optical isolation solutions are optimal. It will also have allowance for multi optimized ports which will make this server maximally versatile, many different streamers and or streamer/dacs will be able to optimally connect to server.


While the above will test server to dac leg of network, what comes in front of server remains to be tested in like manner.

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Unlike analogue, where any additional device will affect the sound through changing capacitance and impedance effects on the transmitted signal, the signal path of digital requires only avoidance of noise incursion and maintenance of clock accuracy. It seems therefore to follow that the number of devices and cable links -as long as they satisfy the above conditions- is immaterial. While I agree with the simplicity mantra on analogue, my experience on digital points in a different direction.

@antigrunge2 Exactly, my experience as well. Still, my search is on for the most efficient means to extract maximum sound quality. My present thoughts along this line is server with optical out capability into streamer or streaming dac with optical in capability.


I'd also add complexity vs maximizing simplicity is a trade off. More complexity means more cables, connectors, devices, power supplies, all can generate, be conduits or allow leakage in of EMI/RFI. Greater separation of devices at the same time may theoretically decrease this same noise. I have Trifield Meter and the greatest generation of RFI comes from server/computer motherboards, transformers of all kinds and storage devices such as ssd and hard drives. Put these all under one roof, not good.


Paradoxically, the best solution should be something in between the two extremes. While I'd like to see power supplies,  and perhaps storage in separate enclosures, I wouldn't mind seeing optimized usb within servers which may negate need for all kinds of usb thingies, or separate streamers for that fact. They could also offer clean ethernet inputs within servers, devices like Uptone Etherregen wouldn't have to be separate and external. Storage could also be well shielded within server, eliminating the need for NAS or USB external storage. Having the ethernet and usb optimized within a single server also serves to eliminate possible clocking incompatibility, per what you mentioned above.


I do think the Taiko Extreme and Wadax servers address all my requests, minimal devices and maximum sound quality all under one roof. Unfortunately, this comes at prohibitive price for most of us!

I am very interested in trying out the Eno filter in my system. However, I don’t stream and all playback is from locally sourced files residing in the music server itself. The server is connected to the home network only to control Roon. Curious if anyone found improvement with the Eno filter in such scenario ?