Neil Young calls out Tidal

TIDAL is calling their files of my songs Masters. But TIDAL’s MQA files are not my masters. I make my masters - not TIDAL. I made my masters the way I wanted them to sound. If TIDAL referred to their titles as TIDAL MASTERS, I would have no problem, but they don’t. They call them Masters. I had my music removed from that platform. They are not my masters.”.


Luis Munoz was in my wedding. Lost his life to complications from Covid Feb 2 2022 Father of 6, Grandfather of 14 and 2 days before he went to heaven became a Great Grandfather. His beloved wife Bitsy has just tested positive an was admitted into Emergency with distressed breathing. I went to school with her, she was in our wedding too..

When YOUR friends and family are taken (Manuel Encarnacion in Aug 2020) by SARS tell me how YOU won’t get a shot. I’ve never heard such selfishness in my whole friggin life.

Argue all you want YOU ARE SELFISH. Period.

The only exception are isolated tribes all over the world.. They will dart YOUR A$$ for snoopin’ anyways. Rightly so.. Green GO!!

My Grandmother was 99 years old when she went to heaven. She had every shot that was ever created. TWICE..

My Mother in law & Father In Law, both over 95 when they went to heaven. Never missed a shot and gave blood every other month until they were 80+. They ask how old they were. LOL

Don't get shots, just walk out in front of a truck it's quicker and cost tax payers a whole lot less. No shots No brains..

@oldhvymec its not fair for you to guilt trip anyone into getting this shot. I know more people that have been severely injured by it, versus people that have been hospitalized for covid, and own bout with it lasted 8 hours, without the vaccine 🙏

This young woman is just one of millions of victims that thought they were doi g the right thing.

@kitechaser that’s heartbreaking.

Sadly you are wasting your time, these people have been bombarded by fear based emotional advertising for 2 years and the Cognitive Dissonance is cemented in. No amount of data or evidence can convince them that they have been duped..... get jabbed and get covid (the vaccine still works).... get jabbed and get hospitalized (the vaccine still works)....get jabbed and die (the vaccine is still working). This is a cult, madness of the crowds.....


@oldhvymec I generally like your post and respect your knowledge on audio and greatly respect your service to our nation and what you went through because of it. Why did you do it? Was it to protect the freedoms the people of this nation enjoy?

Time after time after time we have seen how the "experts" have been wrong about everything they've espoused. We were told to mask up then found the majority of mask are ineffective. We see those in charge decree what we must do in order to be 'safe' then we see those same people repeatedly do whatever they want to whenever they want to; a very real do as I say, not as I do. We see 10s of thousands of fans cheering maskless happily in college and pro sports venues, packed in like sardines then force children who are least susceptible to wear mask while in the classroom. We were told to lockdown to keep it from spreading and recent studies by Johns Hopkins show it had little to no effect. I am sure there are some who are trying to find a way to discredit and marginalize Johns Hopkins as we speak. How much damage has that decision by the 'experts' done to the economy? We have yet to see the full damage, but supply shortages and inflation are the precursors. I have a feeling it's going to get a lot worse.

The greatest atrocities man has seen have occurred because those in charge or the experts have decided they know best, and they hold the bullhorn and reins of power. China's Gret Leap Forward led to the starvation deaths of 30-50 million. The people of Germany were convinced by those in charge the Jews were the cause of all of their problems. The Great Depression was caused by government experts as well as the Dust Bowl of the 30's which crippled and disrupted the lives of millions. Countless times throughout history the common man has been the victim of the 'experts'. Usually this includes the marginalization of those who disagree, much as you and others who place their faith in this vaccine do to those who don't. You suggest we all just commit suicide to save taxpayer dollars while another poster in a different thread gloried in all of the extra parking spaces that will be available when we all just die. The concern over my health is touching.

We have all seen commercials for vaccines and medications where in the background they list all of the possible side-effects. Have you ever heard any commercials for this vaccine listing any of those? We know at this point that there are in fact side-effects and some for some that are deadly. Why? Why haven't we been told about them? Why is the messaging more important? 

We are all familiar with vaccines. I have been vaccinated against certain things. I never thought once that my vaccine would be ineffective unless you also had been. Have we ever been told the flu vaccine would be ineffective unless your neighbor had it too? Seems rather ridiculous when put that way yes?

I don't know who here is religious or has a knowledge of the Bible but this is truly some end times schitze going on. The prophecy states those who refused to take the mark of the Beast were ostracized and excluded from being able to participate in all commerce. It seemed bizarre when I first read that and had some comprehension 45 years ago or so; I never thought I'd see it play out in my lifetime. I AM NOT saying that this is that mark, but the correlation is scary and seeing those tactics employed is truly frightening and shows us how such a prophecy could be fulfilled.

If the vaccine is effective oldhvy then why are you and those who believe as you do care whether I or others are not? Why are they imposing such drastic measures and ostracizing any who dare to discuss and question? Your vaccine has protected you right?