Responses from ticat
I find myself "tuning out" anymore.....is the magic fading? Yes, everyone I know who is in the hobby of Audio has had to Take a Break. When it hit me, a long time ago, I mothballed the whole thing for several years. More recently, whenever I feel like I am sliding back into complacency (with Audio/Music) I... | |
Things we cannot be bothered by anymore I cannot be bothered with forum contribution's that read like an advertisement for Big Audio. “I own a … and it cost … and it is better because it came from…” Let’s get real here folks, anyone who is on Audiogon has owned, borrowed, bought, built... | |
MissingCDs and records OP… I agree with your point. Good Luck with the new hip and Keep Listening… | |
My Analog Journey - Opinions Sought Great to hear everyone commenting has an opinion (usually) based on their experiences (and Most sound interesting and positive). The OP has made a “turn” in The Road, doesn’t sound like his First and guaranteed to not be his Last… …and the enti... | |
Would I be wasting my money to get a turntable? Yuuuppp… don’t do it. Waste of time and your money. Mixing analog and digital does Neither Any Good… | |
Your journey with lower-watt tube amps -- Can a kit be good enough? VK Music assembled preamp and p/p Elekit amp and SunValley phono preamp with all the upgrades. Very Happy and very Good Service! Highly Recommended… | |
What were your top musical discoveries of 2024? Room Full of Teeth… Psychedelics | |
«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato I am no fan of Mr Beato but… I respect the learned opinion of an experienced Industry professional over the ramblings and half baked comments of amateur “experts “… just saying, he has a Point | |
Any regrets in selling gear? Quad 57’s. 27 years ago, my (then new) wife encouraged me to “get rid of those room heater looking things”. We are still happily married but I regret daily, the loss of my beloved (non-WAF) Quads. | |
A review of the Fosi Audio LC30 VU unit Thank you for the review…. and Thank You for posting a subject that encouraged @mahgister to resurface! Where ya been? The place has not been The Same Without You. | |
DarTzeel’s new direction I am just as Envious as you all… | |
My stereo @olds1959special So glad to hear you Think you are Done… (…I give it a couple of months… ha) Peace Out ✌️ | |
Open baffle speakers Am Good speaker design is a speaker that Sounds good when properly set up. Does it matter if it is made of baling wire and duct tape? Or diamonds and rosewood? No…. The end result is more important than the means to get there. | |
Where to find record cleaning platter? Here: Search for this on Amazon…Lazy Susan Turntable Organizer, Non Skid Large Lazy Susan Turntable for Cabinet, Computer or Laptop, Plastic Turn Table, Black 10 in, 1 PC - by RamPro Just glue (epoxy) an appropriately sized flat head screw to th... | |
Anyone remember the days before bells and whistles! @kennyc Sitting around and listening to records is still around and very much alive. I belong to a small group of fellow vinyl-philes who get together regularly to listen. Several of the younger people have commented that they hang around us “old ... |